Thursday, February 19, 2009

Things I Love

Okay, I came in late, but I'm here to stay. One word. Facebook.

I'm lovin' it. I feel like I'm in a big cafeteria with my favorite friends from all walks of life. I sit with the same few each day, but on the way to my seat I glance around and see how my other friends are doing. Sometimes someone comes over for a chat. All while in my PJs.

There are peeps from church I can touch base with during the week. It was on Facebook where I found out the first bits of the news a couple of weeks ago when our pastor had a heart attack. Heard the youth pastor's wife is pregnant right on Facebook.

My brother who loves me but doesn't go out of his way to talk to me much? That's okay, his wife is on Facebook.

My girly friends who're busy going here and there carting kids everywhere? Yep. I can see if they're stressed or chilled on Facebook.

No kidding-I saw a guy at the Gala who is moving to our town & is pastoring a church in our county. He wanted to talk to me about the pregnancy center in that area and said, "If you're on Facebook, find me so we can talk." It's not just for socializing, it's becoming a fluid online directory of sorts.

Seriously, though, facebook blessings have poured out for me. Shane & I were just talking about a long lost friend we'd not heard from/about since highschool (15 years ago). I happened to run into him on Facebook. He's living in Australia and is a pilot now. Who knew? (Just FYI-no one from our high school gets highly successful jobs and moves to a cool country-it just doesn't happen).

And there's Laura & her mom Joy who we went to church with waaaay back in the day. Laura is the owner of a cute-as-can-be shop specializing in dressing up your baby fashionista. I'll post the picture of Audrey in Laura's outfit she's sending us as soon as we get it!

Oh, and just for the record-every person on Facebook has the same hesitancy about friend requests-what if they don't remember/like me? Yeah, there's a slight Jr High feel to it at first, but once you get settled in, I think you'll like it too. So, go try it (Denise!).


SuperMom Blues said...

Ok, for the record, I added YOU! LOL. I haven't figured out how to look for people yet . . . I gotta learn how to do that. Yeah, we SOO gotta get D on board!! She'd have a blast with it!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think you invited me a long time ago, but it took me a few more invites and lots of time to jump in to ONE MORE THING, you know? But's it's easy to check it as I go about my day, it doesn't really suck me in unless someone starts to chat with me.

It's easy to search-one way is to use the search box in the top right corner of every screen (I think every one) or use the "Friends" drop down menu from your home/profile page.

Luke Holzmann said...

Well, I'm glad to be your friend on Facebook too [smile].


Anonymous said...

Everyone is in love with Facebook--and I was, too, until my sister had an emotional affair with her husbands' best friend using it. It's so private and anonymous. No one has to know who you are conversing with--or stalking. I shut down my account because I was tired of my friends checking in on me, but never leaving a message. I was tired of the status updates (that you can totally fake) because when I thought my friends/family was doing great, they were in reality just typing whatever they wanted to and really suffering alone. Facebook is not reality. It does not replace face-to-face or voice-to-voice. Plus, I loved finding old classmates, but that's just MORE work to keep up with MORE relationships that are probably out of my life now for good reason!
Just my two cents.
Everyone's crazy about this social networking stuff, and I just want to present the other side. . .
Be blessed!