Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Karate talk

Edit: I had trouble with the YouTube videos, so I'm putting them on Photobucket. There's only one so far, but I'll put the others back up as I have time :)

I uploaded a couple videos of Ash (and one with my brother, Stanton). You can see them above. The one with the fewest people is the belt test. Ash is now an orange belt. After her test, Stanton tested (it was pretty funny, by the way-he didn't know what to say when he was asked God's name). I was using our new camera and thought I turned it off between their tests, but didn't--sorry! I will promptly put "learn to edit video" on my long list of things to learn to do!

Our trip to Tulsa was interesting. Jaybird didn't like the ride home too much and we had to take lots of breaks to get her out of her carseat. Our trip there was the longest trip in the history of ever, though. Shane's glasses broke along the way, we'd forgotten to get mouthguards and someone else needed some, ahem, special guy we had a layover at--you guessed it--Wal-Mart!

Our hotel room was the dirtiest hotel I've ever stayed it. I took a picture to prove it. Now, I have grime at home, but it's MY grime (or more likely, my kids' grime).

It was all worth it though to see our oldest shine. First, she was thrilled to compete. In front of people. Lots of them. That alone would have sent me home. She had a great time and almost placed in kata. It was a great learning experience for all of us. Besides, it's always a blessing to be with the fun people in Ash's karate class. The instructors are jewels. If you need some encouragement, just hang out in that class for a few minutes!

Oh, and the most important thing-after a karate demonstration that reenacted Christ's last hours, twelve people trusted Jesus for salvation!

Here's some more pics:

Ash and one of her best karate buddies.

Ash's karate hero, Sensei Holzbauer, the leader of ABKA...this guy runs a mile for every year he's been alive on his birthday. He's a great man, a man of faith and a super encourager for the kids (and adults, too I'm sure).


Brandi in TX said...

glad you enjoyed the tournament and that is was such a great experience for Ash.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to hear about a sensei that teaches about the True God and not about the ancient religions.

Congratulations Ash.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you had a good time. I know Kyrie enjoys having Ashlyn around, as well. :)

I really enjoyed reading your blog. It's delightful and uplifting!


Andrea said...

Wow! Thanks for the video of the kata and the pics of my favorite young woman in action! Again, I appreciate your humor from grime to guards (ahem). Keep up the good work girls. I need Ash's blog address again. Wish I knew how to keep it....

Jen said...

That is not the little girl that I sang to sleep. i heart her.