Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We've been busy...

I wanted Bella to be the punch line but Blogger won't let me move the picture!
Oh well, you can see by those eyes we've been busy with this new puppy! Anyone know of a good dachshund therapist? She's going to need help learning to walk again-the girls won't put her down!

On Sunday we had a monkey birthday Monkey turned 9!

And it's that time of year-changing of the seasons/changing of the clothes. These are all the girls' shoes! Piled high on my dining room table. Now they're sorted into the TRASH (!), Storage, Garage Sale, and keep.

We have a garage sale on Friday so we're still sorting, pricing, and no promises of great posts--or any posts! I hope to get back to the blogging routine soon so hang with me as we continue to get our groove this fall!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weigh In

Well, guess what favorite family had the flu? Yes, that would be us. Pretty defeating when we were trying very hard to avoid it. I keep my kids out of Wal-Mart, they don't eat much sugar, I was force feeding them zinc and vitamins...and we all get it anyway. So, between the six of us (it never hit Shane) we've been out of commission for two weeks. Everyone is better now, thankfully!

So, with no exercise and just normal eating, I lost about two pounds this week. Not too bad I guess. I am struggling to get back into the habit of walking several days a week. I'm still playing catch up with my projects and just not in the swing of things again yet-so that's what I'm working on again.

How'd you do? I haven't heard from several of you who are playing along...check in girls!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Monday Weigh In & Update

Well, go figure that with no exercise I lost two pounds! Funny. I was tied to the house all week with a sick girl. All the girls ended up with a cold this last week, but it hit Hope the hardest. I usually go walk while the girls are at Awana or another activity, but Hope was home all week and she's too young to leave at home alone. This week may not be any better regarding exercise since I'm now the sick one. Fun times!

I didn't even pop in here to blog last week because--believe it or not--my family takes priority over blogging. Gasp! I know you're surprised!

Don't watch for me that much this week either...gotta get my family well.

However, I do have a few little things to share:

We have sick kids but are full of blessings-a friend did us a great favor Sunday morning. You know who you are. ;) Thanks! Shane cleaned a chimney of another friend who over paid him and then sent Shane home with lots of meat-organic beef!

Also, I was giddy with excitement when I saw a message from my doula website-someone wants me to be their doula! Her message included her pregnancy info and then concluded with: I'm glad you're Catholic as faith is important to me. Oh, and her location? Cue the Beach Boys music--Californ-i-a. Yes, that leaves me scratching my head. Not sure why she thinks we're Catholic-except that we have a big family, maybe? Leave it to me to get my first inquiry from someone three states away!

In local news, I did put my name in the hat for a woman in Mineral Wells (about an hour and a half away) who wants a doula this month. She'll probably find a doula from Fort Worth to come over, but I offered to consider it if she needs me. Makes my stomach do a flip-flop to think I might get a call!

School last week went really well. Combining Hope & Bethany in history, poetry, Bible, and read-alouds (books I read to them) and have them do their own math, LA, and handwriting worked like a charm. They love it-especially Bethany who loves the idea of doing the same work as her big sister! I love how streamlined it is. Sonlight is so flexible!

Okay, over and out.
Your Catholic friend who flies all over the country to do births.